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Product liability

Defective products can cause health damage or even death. Various parties can be held liable, including the manufacturer of the defective product. The victim must demonstrate the loss, the defect and the causal connection between the product and the loss. Products are defective if they are not as safe as may be expected. The limitation period for defective product claims is comparatively short, i.e. three years. Then there is an expiry term of ten years for claims. That means that ten years after manufacturers have sold or rather placed a product on the market, claims based on a defective product will lapse. The only option then left is a claim arising from an unlawful act. This claim is subject to a limitation period of five years, and no expiry period. A limitation period can be interrupted, after which a new term will start. Not so an expiry period. Product liability cases often have an international character. Where necessary, we work with foreign lawyers to make it possible to litigate in the country where the liable party is located.